Transformers News: Transformers Masterpiece Shadow Panther Official Images
Posted on 1:24 AM by Robot Pilipinas

TakaraTomy will be releasing a new figure version of Shadow Panther: a non-show Japanese exclusive character from Beast Wars in their Transformers Masterpiece line and it will be released as a TakaraTomy Mall exclusive figure.
The figure is a slight retool of the previously released TF Masterpiece Cheetus (aka Cheetor in the US) albeit its black color scheme to make look like a Panther. He comes with new set of robot and panther facial expressions, new set of panther eyes, his 2 guns which is identical to the Cheetor mold, a communications device: an accessory which appeared in a Beast Wars episode "The Web" which originally worn by the former. Like the Beast Wars MP toy retool of Optimus Primal, Shadow Panther comes with a beast mask (aka Mutant head) to recreate the the gimmick from the original 1997 toy.
Now accepting pre-orders for Shadow Panther via the TakaraTomy Mall website, slated for August release and priced at 8,640 Yen.