Gundam News: New Images of MG Shenlong and Deathscythe Hell and Gundam STANDArt Wave 9

Posted on 12:01 AM by Robot Pilipinas

MG Shenlong Gundam EW hi-res imageMG Gundam Deathscythe Hell EW hi-res image

CyberGundam has posted more hi-res scanned images of the upcoming Master Grade Shenlong and Deathscythe Hell Endless Waltz versions.

Gundam STANDart 9 prototype images

Aside from the slated MG Gundam kits, Bandai also unveiled the 9th wave of figures for the Gundam STANDart line. The new wave consist of Gundam Unicorn (Unicorn mode), Gundam ZZ (Double Zeta) Full Armor, and Zeon Empire's Z'Gok.

The MG Shenlong Gundam is priced at 3,800 Yen while the Deathscythe Hell is priced at 4,500 Yen and the Gundam STANDart Wave 9 is priced at 660 Yen per figure.


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