Transformers News: Transformers United Wave 3 Official Images

Posted on 7:31 AM by Robot Pilipinas

Transformers United Kup official imageTransformers United Perceptor official image

We're diverting from the TF Movie news to the other lines once again, Amazon Japan has posted official images of the upcoming Wave 3 of Transformers United figures.

Transformers United Wreck-Gar official imageTransformers United Blurr official image

Check out the official images of Kup, Blurr, Wreck-Gar and Perceptor. Kup, Blurr and Wreck-Gar has major differences of color compared Hasbro's counterpart while Preceptor on the other hand seems there's not much difference to its US counterpart only had minor changes to this version.

Thanks to Omegatron Prime of TFW2005 for the heads-up.

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