Local News: Transformers Animated Voyager Class figs 50% off

Posted on 5:26 AM by Heer0san

Last week, local toy shops like Kids Station have been reducing all of the Transformers Animated Voyager class figures to whopping 50% off of the price which originally it is priced at 1,400 Php and later reduced to 1,000 (30%) and now its selling half the price at 700 Php (see the images by clicking on the pics).

TF Animated Voyager BulkheadTF Animated Voyager Starscream

This week, major toy shops such as Toy Kingdom are already reducing the price on the said Voyager class figures.

For those who haven't collected most of the TF Animated figures, well here's your chance to get them all at half the original price.

Happy Toy Hunting...


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