Transformers News: Tranformers MP-10 Convoy Ver. 2.0 First Images

Posted on 11:58 PM by Robot Pilipinas

Transformers Masterpiece MP-10 Convoy (G1 Optimus Prime) version 2.0 image 00

After rumors spreading regarding the next Transformers Masterpiece figure which is Convoy (Optimus Prime), this confirms the rumors as TFW2005 has first hand images of the new improved version of Convoy dubbed version 2.

I know now the reason why they retire the old MP Convoy mold so the people at Takara can improve the figure. MP-10 Convoy is smaller from its original version, that means he's in-scale with the other recently released MP figures such as Rodimus Convoy and Grimlock.

Transformers Masterpiece MP-10 Convoy (G1 Optimus Prime) version 2.0 image 01Transformers Masterpiece MP-10 Convoy (G1 Optimus Prime) version 2.0 image 02

Aside from the scale reduction, an all improved mold and more animated look, MP-10 Convoy will have "truck load" of accessories to be included, of course the trailer will be included in the set as well. Finally, they included Roller in the set when it was absent in the MP-04 version.

Transformers Masterpiece MP-10 Convoy (G1 Optimus Prime) version 2.0 image 03

Aside from that, Convoy will still have his Energon Axe and Ion Blaster which is much improved because it can be folded and stored easily at its back. The set will also include an in-scale Spike figure as well. What a great set this will be although I'm not fond of the design on his legs though. Wondering how much die-cast content for the new Convoy figure, hopefully it will be the same as the first.

MP-10 Convoy ver. 2.0 is slated for September release and priced at 23,100 Yen.

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